I am a student just like many of you,I am currently pursuing B.Com(H) from Kirori Mal College,University of Delhi.
Y m i blogging ??
I am not a regular blogger infact this is my first blog,i feel the urge to blog just to speak out mind,just because i m not satisfied with the things going around on which i have little or no control i just want to change it or influence it a little with your support.
I also want to increase the blogosphere of moradabad.
what i will be blogging about?
I will be freaking my mind out in this blog about everything interesting and not so intresting going in and on around me.Topics that are usually left unheard particularly in a small city like moradabad i will be sharing mt thoughts,ideas to change and develop our small town.
With loads of funny things to share.

Do comment on my post,you can also post any queries relates to the website or anything you want to discuss.......

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Salman Asgar
6/29/2011 07:51:59 pm

nice start buddy..................

7/30/2012 07:02:12 pm

Ya that is why I did not wrote about the money and Best of luck for your sister.Thanks a lot for your wonderful comment


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